Friday, 30 January 2009


Well....what can I say, I have trawled the Internet trying to find a definite solution to laying up on the cured paint, there seems to many solutions but also many failures. I took the decision to remove the paint from the moulds and start again with the new painting technique to be sure of a perfect finish, after all everything else has been done to exacting detail.
I thought I was going to get up to my elbows in thinners and sticky paint residue, but after picking at the tip I found that the paint was lifting out the mould so with a careful pull it came out the mould in one piece. Well...............that release agent works very well.
On the positive side it gave me the perfect opportunity to weigh exactly the amount of paint that goes on to the wing/tailplane............very interesting.

I have ordered an air fed paint mask which should be here next week, this 2 pack paint can kill you! When it arrives I will start again..............although one step back we have made ten steps forward.

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