Saturday, 28 February 2009

Material for next fus

Picked up some material today before going flying. 300g Carbon UD pre preg 30% resin. Next fus will have one layer of this full lenght along with a inner and outer layer of 50g glass and some 300g woven from the front to just behind the wing.

Zlog Alti meter

First trip out with the Zlog alti meter, still getting used to setting this up, so there are not many results and the peak of the launch. looks wrong. I am going to change the config for the next session. Here a graph to look at, still not high enough!

Practice Session

Just returned from a bit of time on the field.
Weather was overcast, wind speed 5m/s falling to 2.5m/s.
Difficult to get good flying shots with my basic camera. But a good one of crasher from this better side doing what he does best :o)

Monday, 23 February 2009


Once the carbon cloth is in the mould the balsa cores are added, then it's ready for bagging and curing in the oven. The spars and inside layer of cloth are added in the next stage, watch this space!

Two full days of hard graft and another 17 hours in my log book.


The carbon cloth is wet out on a sheet of polythene, then another sheet of polythene is put on top, this is then rolled with a large soft roller to remove air pockets creating a pre-preg like material. The templates can then be placed on top without sticking to the wet cloth, the cloth is then cut with a roller blade.

Once cut to shape the material can be easily handled with distortion and can be placed perfectly up against the leading edge, then peel off the bottom layer, roller into the mould then pull back the top layer, simple.



Painting of the moulds takes one person about 3-4 hours excluding masking up, the spray gun set up is configured for max air (4bar) and minimum paint, this prevents fish eye on the mould surface when the paint comes in contact.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Hi Guys Just thoght i would show you what your up against
She fly's very very well and distance turns are excellent and speed is fastest model i have ever flown and as for duration Crahser strikes again

Sunday, 15 February 2009


This weekend coming 'The Collier' is coming down, 21 & 22 will see the moulding of the first wing.

Construction will be 25g glass cloth, 93g carbon (@ 45 degrees), 1mm balsa sandwich and an inner layer of 25g glass cloth. Pictures and updates will be posted on progress.
Hi Neil
This looks very good, Congrates on doing this and hitting below the target weight, How much lighter do you think you can go.
I need to come down and get my L plates on and get with it
a true inspiration nice one
PS my colours are All white with Red tips The Charlster can weight his turn he's had one all ready!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers Crasher

Friday, 13 February 2009

Great Result

Great result, here is the first real tailplane, not bad for a few evenings work!

At first it feels reasonably strong and only weighing 89g, quite pleasing for only the second one made.

Hi Guys
Finally sust how to do this
Crasher is in the building

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Tailplane Joined

Tailpane moulds were joined together last night, here are a few images of the progress.

Should be ready to de-mould on Friday........fingers crossed this is the one!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Another tailplane in the moulds last night, the new spraying technique showed no signs of fish eye......a perfect result. The sticky back plastic for masking was easy to use and produced some great straight edges, if anyone can comment on what they use to get the perfect lines on the model then please let us know?

I should all being well get this joined together tonight, so watch out for photos.

See you soon, Harry.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009



just found this

Need to get some and come up with a way of moulding them into the Fus.

WElcome to all from RCGroups

Team Just put this on Rc groups so expect some new followers No rude stuff from now on the world is watching :0).

Thought some of you may be interested in our Blog. It is about the latest journey through project zenith 3b1.

This project was started way back in 2003 when the first design work was carried out; back then the design was cutting edge. The first prototype was flown 18.06.05. The model was unique in its construction as it was the first F3B model to made from Pre preg material as opposed to wet lay up. I did fly this same model at the F3B WC in Finland that same year, unfourtunitly I experience problems with flutter during the launch resulting in the end of the prototype. Following this further experiments were carried out making part using Pre preg techniques but no other complete model were made or flown due to lack of enthusiasm and I realised it was too much work for one man, plus I had other way to spend my free time, so I never realised what the full potential of the design was or what could have been.

That it until now…. With a little (a lot from Harry) help from my friends the project is well and truly up and running again, using a combination of pre preg and conventional wet lay up constructions methods. If you would like to follow on the journey and may be help us along the way then visit our Blog to see the latest progress.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Race Machine Construction

I have been trying to get an idea of what materials the competition use during construction, take a look at this Race M which uses Herex as the sandwich material and laminated glass/herex in the main spar.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

The Real Deal

Hey guys, I don't know if you have seen my latest glider? Well here she is below in all her splendid glory before I flew her for the first time last April, a few hours of great soaring in that powerful sky before the rain came.....not bad for a first outing!

She is a Lak 12, open class 20.5m with full span flaps, glide 48:1 isn't she beautiful....

Click on the photos for the full Monty!

The clubs' ASK21 and Duo Discus in the background, when the weather gets good we will book the Duo and go do some cross country for the day......bring it on.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

joiner box

Just wrapped another joiner box, ready for baking tomorrow. Should be ready for pick up on friday night, fingers crossed :0).

Launch setting

Read this

Makes a lot of sense and put some science into launch settings. Currently working on this theory with “My Precious” and it is working so far, giving reliable high launches.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Input Please......

Hey guys, please help me out and add stuff to this blog, I get a bit bored of reading my own stuff all the time.